Tuesday, August 26, 2003

if vacations have taught me anything it is this... if i could have a lifestyle that affords me to stop whatever i'm doing on a daily basis to break for the price is right, i'd be a happier person. no i'm not just sitting around watching tv all week. it's just a fun show, dammit. kids go back tomorrow. :(

Monday, August 25, 2003

okay so it's shaun-not sean. jason has been miserable for days now. i can't tell if it's the not-smoking, the constantly working, the kids being around, or something else like me. i wish i could cheer him up. he just glares at me. makes for a fun vacation- let me tell you. the kids ask me every five minutes, when the next meal is, and what we are having. when bored- snack. i'm going to weigh two hundred pounds if i eat one more meal. argh! more fun...

Sunday, August 24, 2003

the girls absolutely adore kristin- especially now that she hooked them up with some cool handbags and accessories. they really love jason too. alura told me she's glad i met jason. i am too. i think perhaps i will tell them the whole story this week. it has been almost a year after all. they need to know that i'm gay, and that is why i am generally happier. i also discovered tonight that it is hard to come off as commanding when you are scolding your kids if you are a man wearing mary kate and ashley pink nail polish. words to live by....
ten random thoughts for today...
1.) i love jason yalowich. i am gay, and i love jason yalowich. did everybody get that ?
2.) i will probably cry through most of the bjork concert in two weeks.
3.) hillary duff sucks ass. lindsey lohan forever.
4.) i need new drugs.
5.) chicago is amazing. they both reached for the gun is stuck in my head on a loop.
6.) i wish i had the kids the whole week instead of sending them back on wednesday.
7.) super mario sunshine is frustrating as hell.
8.) i want to go to the maize. it's a maze cut out of a corn field. perhaps a drunken jason, kristen,mark adventure. perhaps sean will come along, and we can shake our tits and run with torches ala freddy vs. jason.
9.) i don't wanna grow up i'm a toy-r-us kid
10.) i really only have nine things to say...

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

alura is back! alura is back! alura is back! alura is back! i have a matching set of kids again! i'm so psyched. i have next week off, and it's playtime at daddy's house for a whole week!

Monday, August 18, 2003

okay, so i overreacted. it was fun. tori was amazing last night, as ever. ben folds sucked royal ass. apparently banging on piano keys like a five year old and swearing intermittenly passes for music. who knew. i really can't stand observational lyrics. don't sing what you did today. i took a crap, and now it's a song doesn't float in my book. it's funny when tori does it though. like the little ditty she sang about not having drinkable water after the power outage in cleveland and telling her daughter not to drink her daddy's stoli. that was cute. the fact that she isn't going to pass it off as a song and have it published makes it okay. alro guthrie was clever and funny in the 70's. ben folds, you are no arlo guthrie. anyway. freddy vs. jason the night before was also fun. it was the best worst movie ever. jason, kristin, sean and i had so much fun. we are supposed to go see it again this week. god help the people who sit around us. it was like mystery science theater with four catty bitches. lovely.

Saturday, August 16, 2003

it's all in my head...right. tomorrow will be such fun. yeah. kill me now.

Friday, August 15, 2003

it was the night the lights went out everywhere, but georgia. after about an hour of wondering what the hell was going on and subjecting myself to terrorist scenarios that even bin laden wouldn't have thought up, i was assured by my boyfriend via cell phone that the world outside of amherst was still there. actually home was about the only place that had power. it was sort of scary. i'm just glad, for once, i wasn't in NYC.-that must have sucked. meanwhile life goes on... went to a send off party for steve after the lights came back on, had one l.i.tea too many, and said something horrible to jason just before i passed out. i don't remember. oops. that's only happened twice in my life. i always remember. not liking the black out. more later...

Monday, August 11, 2003

if fire shot from my eyes when i became angry, there would be a blackened scorch mark on the earth where michael's once stood... i hate. i just simply hate.

Sunday, August 10, 2003

" could you give me botox injectons, so i don't look surprised when bush blows up the world?" funniest quote of the week care of mad tv.

Saturday, August 09, 2003

i was reading an opinion column in the buffalo news today about the current climate of public and political opinion on the rights of homosexuals, and it was so well written i've decided to reprint it here:

With foes like these, gays in good shape


In a world of uncertainty, a person can usually take comfort in realizing that he or she is on the sane side of an issue when opposing Pat Robertson. However, just as homosexuals seem to be making a small amount of social progress - as evidenced by the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision regarding gays in Texas, and the recent Canadian acceptance of gay marriage - we find the Christian right wing has dusted off its flintlocks to defend against perceived threats from the Supreme Court and those wild and crazy neighbors to the north.
These questions needs to be asked: What are the president, the pope and Robertson so afraid of? What do they think will happen? Their fear comes not only from a lack of tolerance, but from a continuing, perhaps willful, failure to understand the nature of homosexuality.

Homosexuality is not a choice; it is a condition - hard wired into a person's brain in exactly the same way heterosexuality is. Do most people "choose" to be attracted to members of the opposite sex? No, it is a predisposition that most, but not all of us, have. Historically, and regardless of culture or continent, somewhat less than 10 percent of the human population is, and will be, homosexual, regardless of what the president, the pope and Robertson like. These men merely reflect their inability to include the concept of homosexuality in a definition of what it means to be a normal human. Consider: who would choose to be rejected, scorned and persecuted by so much of the rest of humanity?

In the context of a recent speech, when the president said he is "mindful that all men are sinners," he was obviously implying that homosexuality is sinful, and by definition, evil. As a representative of all Americans, what qualifies this less-than-brilliant public servant to pronounce this judgment? Couching his rhetoric in language that most Christians would agree with does not mask the fact that his sentiment is not at all compassionate or Christ-like.

As for the pope, perhaps he should stick to getting his own church's moral house in order, before pronouncing upon human sexuality.


i have to say that is one of the most eloquently put messages i've read in quite some time on this subject. i only wish that it could have been run on the front page along side the blurb about lil' W's niece finally getting out of rehab. looks like jeb's not doing too much better on the family front. for all the stone casting the bush family as a whole has done from their moral high horse, they seem to have more family dysfunction than the kennedys. should they be forgiven their trespasses?

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

ten random thoughts for today...
1.) if george w. is so great and bill clinton was so horrible- why are bush's girls a couple of pot smoking, beer guzzling sluts, and billy's girl is a model citizen?
2.) i now know who kobe bryant is and i couldcare less.
3.) i need to own a house and have a dog
4.) i'm so glad alura is coimg home.
5.) why is the fact that one man is gay threaten to undo the entire episcopal church?
6.) scandals are always bred because someone selfish wants something they can't have.
7.) sometimes i miss my friend margo.
8.) nick cage as ghost rider is a bad idea, but at least he's not gong to play superman.
9.) corporate retail blows.
10.) it's a good thing i never tire of pasta...