Wednesday, February 02, 2005

retail is latin for "pointless"

in keeping with my latest decision to get out of the neverending trench that is retail, i've started considering other potential careers. i was originally leaning toward real estate, following in my brothers well-placed footsteps, but i'm not sure i can handle a two year stretch of financially shaky ground and inconsistent income. now i'm contemplating the merits of a role as insurance agent. i may be selling myself short all around, but i'm not getting any younger, and i'm not sure i can handle an additional x amount of years of schooling for an entirely new career choice. i can see why my siblings chose the professions they did, as they do not necessarily require a straight on degree. since i still don't have one of those, despite the fact that i have been paying for my as yet unfinished education for fifteen plus years, i guess the cheaper, quicker alternatives are looking more appealing. in my current single parent situation, i need either more money or more time. i have been working an open schedule of 60+ hours, nights, weekends, etc. for almost twenty years now, and it's gotten me nowhere. i need a job that enables me to get my kids on the bus in the morning, be home at a reasonable hour at night and have more than two weekends off in four fucking months. i also don't want to manage people anymore if i can help it. i don't have the killer instinct for it. perhaps it's not so much a "killer" instinct as a basic lack of caring about others for the sake of corporate policy. despite my rantings about hating people in general, i'd rather be well-liked by my colleagues than get the stamp of approval from some shallow corporate kiss-ass that would replace me in a second for a cheaper drone. anyway, a new job is in order.

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