Monday, January 31, 2005

like sands through the hour glass, so is the money out of my wallet...

well, my son will have his first pair of glasses early next week. it's official his left eye is perfectly fine, but his right eye is a mess- he's far-sighted with an astigmatism. he looks cute in the glasses, but i don't have a ton of faith in how long they will last on an active six year old boy. as for the look, they'd better look good-the whole affair cost me two hundred dollars. money i did not have, by the way. ah well, i'm just glad that he'll be able to see now. i was getting a little worried while the doctor was examining his eyes. he did the usual routine that i am used to enduring, but then kept doing more and more tests that i have never seen. when he began pulling extra lenses off the wall and holding them up to his eye, i was thinking "surgery" or " blindness",etc. luckily, he just needs spectacles. as it is, he'll also have to wear an eye-patch from time to time, in conjunction with the new glasses, to realign his eyeballs. the fun never stops. my son, the dread pirate roberts...

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